Worship With no Regrets

6/16/2006 Estreitta 0 Comments

Ok...  I have been thinking about this topic for awhile now and I feel like now is the time for me to express it!

As many of you are aware I have had the opportunity to lead worship in several different settings.  I would have to say that I have seen, heard, and experienced various worship styles over the past my 30 yrs. (31 on June 21)

As a small child at the age of three I can recall singing songs to Jesus as I would put my self to sleep.  I would sing songs in the shower, in my dreams, in church, in my prayers, and in my car...you name it I have probably worshipped the Lord.  I dont think that singing is the only way to worship the Lord, but it is the most frequent way I worship Him.  I believe that worshipping the Lord is the most significant way we can connect to the Lord.  Whether you paint, write, pray, dance, your act of Worship is what brings you into the throne room of the Lord.  It brings in the Presence of the Lord into your situation or circumstance.

I think that many Christians are losing out on what the Christian Life supposed to be.   Many dont know how to Worship the Lord.  Why, Traditions of Men, Religiosity, Denominational Differences, and Fear of Man instead of God....

It is truly sad thing.  Tonight, My hubby was talking about how kewl it would be if churches to day were packed with people eager to Worship the Lord.   What the Church as a whole would be like if when they walked through the door they were getting set free from depression,  healed of illnesses, delivered from drugs and alcohol.  All in the Midst of worship.  I guess if we all understood what worship was then maybe it could happen.  You know we will be Worshiping the Lord  With everything that is within us in eternity.  Our entire being will be enraptured by the Majesty of Jesus.  The Spirit of God will be what keeps us living.  Wouldnt it be nice if we could have heaven here on earth.  Lets get past all this religious jargon and really seek the heart of God in our worship.  Take time on Sunday and really Worship the Lord with all your heart soul and mind.  It is What Jesus Commanded us to do.  Dont just sing the words on the screen or in the hymnal... sing your own song of worship to the Lord....  Make the Words you sing bring you closer to the heart of God.

Now some of you may say,  That is easier for you Estreitta than it is for me....  That may be true... But It wont become easy until you step out and do something.  WHY ARE WE HESITANT about Worshiping The CREATOR, the ALPHA & OMEGA, KING of KINGS and The LORD of LORD???????

People get more excited about the temporal things of this life than we do about the LORD!!!!!!   DO YOU Realize what the World would be like if we GOT More Excited about the THINGS OF GOD....

I have had many people tell me that they were going to get serous about their relationship with God when They get Older...  In fact I had a Longtime Friend that I brought to Church When I was in the 7th grade and he was in the 6th....  That night he gave his life to the Lord.  I was so excited because I could see God using him to speak into the lives other the students in my school.  But this kid later turned away from the Lord... When I went to High school we lost touch till I a Sophomore and he was a Freshman.  At that time I lead a weekly prayer group at the Flag Pole every Monday Morning to start the week.  I would talk to this kid and he would laugh me off and tell me in front of his friends that He wasnt into that God stuff any more.. Maybe when he gets older... But in Private he would ask me questions and apologize for treating me like that.  Later on This Kid Got Kicked out of School for dealing drugs.  And I never talked to this guy again....  When I was about 22 yrs old I found out that this kid died the previous year before.  I was Devastated....  In Utter dismay...  Do you know this kid died of ROCKY MOUNTAIN FEVER...  This is caused by a tick bite... What are the Odds......  My Friend never got the chance to live for God...  He never got the Chance to get older...  What he missed out on....  It is so sad.   That Is why we need to Not care about anything.. But Worshiping God.  Worship Him in the way that make you feel uncomfortable...  Get out of the Familiar...  Step out and get to Know God on a Deeper Level...  I Honestly believe that if we do this our Lives, our Family, Our Work, our Relationship with God would change the World.  So Take time to worship him... Let Him know you Love him... Ask Him to draw you into His Presence.  And  you know what He will... and you WILL NOT Regret it.......