For 17 Years we prayed and believed that 1 day we’d conceive & GOD ANSWERED!

4/22/2019 Estreitta 0 Comments

For 17 Years we prayed and believed that 1 day we’d conceive & GOD ANSWERED #MiraclesDoHappen 

As of Last Friday we are 18 Weeks pregnant!  


OUR JOURNEY TO CONCEIVE, CARRY & BARE A CHILD                                                                                                             

If you have follwed my blog or know me personally you know that I have always wanted to be a mom and to have a symbol of my husband and myself, our love for God and each other displayed through our children.  However, until now we have gone through a roller coaster of trials and tribulations and challenges to get us to the place we are to day.

In 2014, in a moment of desperation I cried out to the Lord and said, “God I don’t want to continue to believe for something that isn’t going to ever happen. I need a sign that one day I will conceive, carry & and bare a child.” At that point, I had not had a menstrual cycle in 6 months, meaning I didn’t ovulate. 3 days later I got my period then for the next 4 years I had like clock work I’ve had it consistently on time like clockwork. That never happened in my entire life. So that began as my fleece and sign that I held on to as well as other confirmations along the way. #GodKisses
In October 2017, After 4 years had passed we decided to try IVF and thought maybe this is how God is going to make it finally happen for us. I had gone to my OBGYN because of the heavy mental cycles and she did an ultrasound and found a polyp in my uterus. I had surgery in December to remove it.

Then on December 30, 2017, I got the pathology report back and I was diagnosed with “endometrioid adenocarcinoma figo grade 1” - uterine cancer. It was devastating news. I met with three oncologist. Two of the three oncologist advised me to get a hysterectomy, due to my previous history with breast cancer in 2007. However, as you know doing so would have eliminated my deep desire and promise I had been standing on to ever conceiving a child. I found a doctor who was willing to try placing a IUD to treat the uterus directly. When I went through breast cancer in 2007, I had the same issue with the surgical oncologist two advised a double mastectomy and one was willing to just do a lumpectomy and radiation for breast conservation, because she knew one day I wanted to have kids and breast feed and the Brest cancer biopsy report showed that it was only in stage 0.  But warned there could be a 20% chance of recurrence. And 12 years later I’m still breast cancer free. 

So after about two or three weeks of dealing with this process of meeting the doctors and coming to a final decision, I was reminded by one of my best friends that God is the God of the impossible and He would do what he promised me and I will overcome the cancer. That reminder gave me the boost I needed and I stepped out in faith and believed God would heal my womb.
In the meantime, I also immediately started #innerhealing to try to get to the root of why cancer was attacking my womanhood.  I began a journey to seek total healing - mind, body, and spirit.  I never in a million years thought I would have SO MUCH BREAKTHROUGH as I have had in that short amount of time. When I first started personal therapy, I thought I had already dealt with past hurts, family issues, and traumas but I knew there were unresolved things that were linked to me getting repeated cancer diagnoses. My counselor helped me work through those things as I pursued healing and forgiveness of all the unresolved things in my past. I realized in the process that there was a definite link between thoughts (conscience and subconscience) and my overall health. Then began to work on taking care of myself instead of always taking care of others and the paradigm shift began even as I was walking through one of the most difficult seasons of my life. We worked through trapped emotions linked with my fertility journey as well as trauma I had experienced when I was younger. It was an eye opening experience and so much healing came out of those sessions. Which I will be forever eternally grateful.
Due to the  uterine cancer diagnosis and the state of our finances, we had no idea how God was going to make this happen. Then after meeting with Fertility Doctor to discuss out options after this diagnosis, she told us about a program through Livestrong & Heartbeat that offered scholarships to cancer patients to assist the fertility drugs with preserving their chances to conceive. Savings us close to $15k. So before we began treating the uterus with an IUD, we did our first IVF in February 2018 and created an embryo. However, when the genetic test came came back, the embryo had missing chromosomes and extra chromosomes, which would have resulted in a miscarriage. We were devastated I cried for a week. 
Then IUD was placed.  Then a month later the IUD came out during the next menstrual cycle, because it was so heavy.  Then I had to do a CAT scan to be sure it didn’t get embedded into my uterus. Thankfully, there was no sign of it doing that and I decided not to repeat the iud procedure.
Then May 6, 2018, I had another surgery but this time it was for my parathyroid, which had grown to the size of an plumb and was causing a myriad of Issues.

On May 30, 2018, I went in for my 4 month biopsy follow up and the results came back negative #noSignsofCancer. Our Doctor said to us, "Now Go get pregnant, the best treatment for this kind of uterine cancer is getting pregnant! Come see me in 4 months"  Here's a 5-minute video of our sharing the results with our friends and family!

Then in July we tried another round of IVF but that resulted in no embryos. Then in October 2018, I had another biopsy, which again resulted in "no Signs of Cancer". Then In November 2018, we tried for our last round of IVF that resulted in an egg.. but it stalled out on day 5  and did not fertilize, so again we had no embryos and the Doctor told Erik that it appeared I may be in the early stages of menopause!!!! 

We went home disappointed and disillusioned and we gave up. We were utterly distraught, broken, and thought we were done and had completely given up on the idea that we would ever have a child... but God.... He had other plans instead... our story of becoming parents is just beginning.

Little did we know, few weeks after our devastating news, we apparently created this baby! It truly is a Miracle, 17 years we have been trying to conceive and then God steps in our place of despair and disappointment and creates this beautiful life! If I could tell you the amount of fears and struggles I have had since 2017 with the diagnosis of uterine cancer then 3 failed ivf's then we get pregnant naturally...
So in February 2019, I realized that I hadn't had a period since December and noticed some things that weren't normal for like  a month. I was feeling extremely nauseated and getting motion sickness every time I was in the car!  I asked Erik to go get the test that said Pregnant/Not Pregnant.  After 17 years of negative test, I thought at the time if I was pregnant I didn't want there to be any question that the test was positive! So I woke up at 4am, took the Test and waited for 3 minutes.......

I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing, I said, "Oh My God Erik, It says Im Pregnant!" 

He was in bed half asleep in bed, said, "WHAT!!!!" 

He then Jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom to see, He was Like, "REALLY??? How accurate is this test???"  

I was like it says "99.8% Accurate, Go get your phone and take a picture in case it goes away. 

in 17 years of taking at home pregnancy test we have NEVER EVER seen a POSITIVE test result. I couldn't wait till 8AM came around so I could call my OBGYN to get an appointment to confirm, but she was booked and couldn't see me for a week! So I called and made an appointment with my Internal Medicine Doctor, who back in November prayed for me before I had my last ivf procedure, the sweetest prayer.  She ordered a blood test and 2 days later I came back and confirmed I was PREGNANT!!! 

We were Amazed and Shocked and just Blown away at God's Faithfulness. Then a week later we went into to see the OBGYN and I had an ultrasound and we saw Baby A , heard their heart beating and shared the news with our immediate family and inner circle of friends that I was indeed 6.5 weeks pregnant!
Thank you God....The testimony of healing, wholeness, and growth in so many areas of my life that speak to the Grace and Faithfulness of God to get me where I am right now, who He created me to be, and what is to come in my future for my marriage, family, work, ministry... Erik and I are, so Richly Blessed!!! We are so grateful for the opportunity to finally become parents and train this child up to know and Love God and serve Him all the Days of their lives.
We have soooooooooooo many friends and family that we want to thank for being with us on this journey, praying for us through our pain and devastation,  believing God for us when we felt we had no faith left to believe that this dream would ever come to fruition. The words of encouragement and support over the course of our marriage, EACH ONE OF YOU, are all part of this testimony and the story we will one day tell our child when she/he grows up, EACH OF YOU are part of this child's legacy. and For that we thank you and pray God blesses you exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond whatever you ask or think!

During this entire ordeal, I created this Spotify Playlist  called "This is How I Fight My Battles" in my times of pain and feeling numb i would listen to this playlist and it really helped me  get into a place of mental victory.  If you are needing encouragement, strength, hope, peace the best advice I could give anyone is to Seek God, Get in His Presence, and pour out your heart on the altar in a place of worship. He will meet you where you are and heal you from the inside out!