It's not Good for Man to be alone!

6/28/2006 Estreitta 0 Comments

According to a recent study released by Duke University, they found that Americans have isolated themselves more than they were 20 years ago. The study also found that close to 25% of people surveyed said they had no close friends with whom they confide in. More than 50 % say they have two or fewer they consider to be close friends. They also reported to be closer to a family member or spouse.

Although the study didnt ask why they had fewer close ties, the Researchers believe that it could be a result of Americans are working more hours in a day, marrying later in life, having fewer children, and commuting longer distances. Interestingly enough, the study also found that Non-whites and people with less education tend to have smaller social networks than white Americans and the highly educated.

I first learned about this study while listening to one of my favorite radio talk show hosts, Dennis Praeger, on his Happiness hour he has on every Friday. He was discussing how he believes that because less people are interacting with each other the less happy we are as a society. Then he asked if there was anyone listening disagree with him. One particular caller called and said, I dont need anyone but God.

While I agree with his sentiments, my first thought was yeah I have God to get me through everyday life and I trust him completely, but then again the Lord Created humans for a reason...companionship. Then Dennis, of the Jewish Faith, began to say that he had a Christian Pastor Friend tell him once that when the Lord Created man it was God who said it is not good for man to be alone. Now why would the God of the universe who on a daily basis walked and communed with Adam say that? It is because God knew that humans need human contact with each other to communicate and interact.

I totally agree with this Pastor. I also had a Great College Professor, Lyle Larson, that made a similar remark in my Marriage and Family Statistics Class, God did not want us to go through life alone, That is why he created us for one another, why he created the Woman for the Man so we wouldnt have to go through this life alone.

Today many people live far away from family and the community in which they grew up. While I make an effort to meet new people all the time, I think that I am not the norm. Many people feel comfortable to stay in touch with a few people and not meet any more. I love meeting new people. I love making new Friends, I love catching up with people I havent talked to since the 2nd grade. I love talking to the elderly; they have so many great stories to tell.

Yesterday I took Maeze on a walk and an elderly lady was walking into her house. I said, Hi. I then asked how she was. She said, Fine thanks, and then complimented me on my watchdog. I said, Thank you! I kept walking cause It was hot and I was tired, and She looked like she wanted to talk more but I just walked on and said, have a great night. I regret that now, not connecting with my new neighbor who maybe her phone never rings but from telemarketers maybe she needed to connect with the outside world and Maybe I could have learned something from her and maybe made a new friend.

We have so much to offer one another; I wish people would stop from their busy lives and talk to their neighbors. Growing up I new all my neighbors, I have met several of our new neighbors and look forward to talking to them some more soon.
Myspace Blog Comments
Good thoughts! I have to agree: God said it best! We need Him, but we need other humans too. Over and over in the Bible, I read of how we need others to sharpen us and to help us discern things, and to grow in our faith. In Hebrews, it talks about not falling away from meeting with other believers. Even though almost every Sunday morning, I don't want to get up and drive to church, I am literally ALWAYS thankful in the end that I did go. It was good that you brought this topic up. I'd also heard of this survery, and it'd saddened me. Have a great day.

Posted by Ranny on Jun 28, 2006 1:18 PM

Ha! Great minds.. I didn't read your reply until after I posted mine.

Posted by M♥NDY on Aug 4, 2006 12:57 PM


Thanks for reminding us why we are here. I believe this is also why it was said that we shouldn't forsake the assembling of ourselves together - not so that we could warm benches at church every Sunday or Saturday or whatever day you may go - but to become a Community with like believers who will stand with you in LOVE. Most of us have lost site of our purpose as believers. Just as you said, God Himself said it isn't good for man to be alone. We are to come along side eachother and build eachother up, standing together come what may. If this is a new concept or maybe you just keep forgetting to live this way, like me, start with your own neighbors, grocery clerks, whomever you meet along life's road. I'm going to work on putting this to practice in my life. Friends sharpen friends.

Posted by M♥NDY on Aug 4, 2006 12:56 PM



6/22/2006 Estreitta 0 Comments

Last Night for my birthday, I went to Dallas to a Hispanic Republican Forum. and George P. Bush was there. (Son of Jeb and Nephew of our Great President) I even Got to talk to him for about 3 minutes about Hispanics and how to reachout to spread the word about the Republican Party. He was really kewl and very down to earth.

The meeting was very interesting. We heard from Some Political Leaders as well as some statistical data about the voting trends of hispancs in the US. It was very exciting and really has reinspired me. I haven't been that involved in politics since I was a Delegate for district 62a in the 2004 Election. I even think it would be kewl to run for office at some point in my life. I was asked if I would run in Minneapolis but I didn't think I was really "qualified", But I now my mentality was changed. I want to make a difference in this world, I want to help everyday people get opportunities to follow the american dream. So who knows I could even become president some day...

Myspace Blog comments:

heehee. nice little birthday gift for you! so, what are the voting trends of us hispanics? i'm interested. happy for you!

Posted by Ranny on Jun 22, 2006 6:38 PM


It was very interesting, In the 2000 elections Issues of concerns for Hispanic vs. Anglos


1. Education/Public Schools
2. Race Relations
3. UnEmployment
4. Immigration


1. Public Schools/Education
2. Economy
3. Crime
4. Drugs


Voting Trends

40% of age eligable Hispanics Cast Votes in the Last Election
President Bush won 39% of the Hispanic Vote


these came from my notes, and This was all i wrote down and currently remember... But if I find further information I will post!

Posted by Twinkle Twinkle Estreitta on Jun 22, 2006 7:06 PM


On Father's Day Honoring the Dad I never really knew..

6/18/2006 Estreitta 0 Comments

Today, I haven't really thought much of him (even though it is Father's day) until I read a friends blog where I guess she inspired me to go write things about what my dad liked and even what things I liked about him.  Thanx Andrea for the inspiration.

A little background first:
My dad passed away on Nov 11, 2004.  I didn't know him very well.  He was a difficult person to love, but with God's Help I chose to love him regardless of his cruelty.  He gave his Life To God about a month before his death...  The only regret I have is that I wish I would have known him Longer as a Christian.  

There are days  I miss my dad and even start to cry, especially the things that remind me of him. 
My dad liked to tease people and joke alot

  • He loved to eat, eat until there was no food left to eat...
  • He loved going an cutting down trees, whether it was in the back yard or some one needed help cutting trees he was ready with his trusty chainsaw
  • my dad loved movies.  He would watch movies all the time over and over no matter how many times he had seen it it was like he was watching it for the first time.  The movies he loved were crocodile dundee, weekend at bernie's, Ford Fairlane, tango and Cash, any  movie with john wayne, westerns with the guy with the one lazy eye, john candy  or jim belushi.
  • My dad loved to Bbq even if it was 115 degrees outside he would bbq for hours chicken, steak, hamburgers, hot dogs....
  • my dad loved his toy trucks, he has about 400 of them we still haven't gone through.  all of wich are collectibles.

  • he loved talking to strangers.  people would call our house looking for some one else and my dad would strike up a conversation with the person and talk to them for hours like he had known them for years.
  • my dad loved making breakfast for us on saturdays.  I remember one time when i brought Irma to texas with me and she was floored at the spread my dad prepared... she said with her rhode island accent, "Mista Maatin yu raak the housse"  My dad said I really wasn't walking around the house very hard, i didn't notice it moving...
  • my dad loved singing "i'm to sexy" ALL THE TIME...  we thought about playing it at his funeral but we ran out of time to look for it....

Even though I only heard him say it once he did love me and my brother in his own way, i guess he showed us more than he told us!

Comments from Myspace Blog:

Great list, Estreitta. I never got to know your dad very well - I only talked to him the few times I came to your house. But I can picture him doing each of these things.

Posted by Naomi on Jun 20, 2006 9:44 AM


Hey! I feel like I got a nice glimpse of your dad. Thanks for posting these things about him. Showing vs telling is a very interesting observation. I loved the quote of Irma about the spread!

Posted by Ranny on Jun 22, 2006 9:09 AM


ok so im aware that this is from awhile back but i read it anyway. Just wanted to say that i remember all the teasing and jokes. I cant tell you how many times i would run to your mom when she was watched me cuz your dad was picking on me, and your mom would just laugh and tell him to stop. lol but you have to consider the size difference between us and know why that would scare me. lol. i grew up though and wasnt worried anymore, and just looked for your dad to wave driving by when i was playing outside.

Posted by ~StEpHaNiE~ on Feb 28, 2007 9:55 PM


New Church Concept

6/18/2006 Estreitta 0 Comments

Last Night While I was Cruzing the Web I discovered this interesting Church. It is the First of it's Kind in the US and It is part of ministry in Oklahoma Cities. they Actually have 9 campuses in OK, Pheonix AZ, And Fort Worth, TX, and then The internet Church. I attended it this morning because I was dealing with allergy issues. I was blessed by The Ministry and would recommend it to anyone not currently attending anywhere. If you attend let me know what you think!!!

They also have a myspace page:


Worship With no Regrets

6/16/2006 Estreitta 0 Comments

Ok...  I have been thinking about this topic for awhile now and I feel like now is the time for me to express it!

As many of you are aware I have had the opportunity to lead worship in several different settings.  I would have to say that I have seen, heard, and experienced various worship styles over the past my 30 yrs. (31 on June 21)

As a small child at the age of three I can recall singing songs to Jesus as I would put my self to sleep.  I would sing songs in the shower, in my dreams, in church, in my prayers, and in my name it I have probably worshipped the Lord.  I dont think that singing is the only way to worship the Lord, but it is the most frequent way I worship Him.  I believe that worshipping the Lord is the most significant way we can connect to the Lord.  Whether you paint, write, pray, dance, your act of Worship is what brings you into the throne room of the Lord.  It brings in the Presence of the Lord into your situation or circumstance.

I think that many Christians are losing out on what the Christian Life supposed to be.   Many dont know how to Worship the Lord.  Why, Traditions of Men, Religiosity, Denominational Differences, and Fear of Man instead of God....

It is truly sad thing.  Tonight, My hubby was talking about how kewl it would be if churches to day were packed with people eager to Worship the Lord.   What the Church as a whole would be like if when they walked through the door they were getting set free from depression,  healed of illnesses, delivered from drugs and alcohol.  All in the Midst of worship.  I guess if we all understood what worship was then maybe it could happen.  You know we will be Worshiping the Lord  With everything that is within us in eternity.  Our entire being will be enraptured by the Majesty of Jesus.  The Spirit of God will be what keeps us living.  Wouldnt it be nice if we could have heaven here on earth.  Lets get past all this religious jargon and really seek the heart of God in our worship.  Take time on Sunday and really Worship the Lord with all your heart soul and mind.  It is What Jesus Commanded us to do.  Dont just sing the words on the screen or in the hymnal... sing your own song of worship to the Lord....  Make the Words you sing bring you closer to the heart of God.

Now some of you may say,  That is easier for you Estreitta than it is for me....  That may be true... But It wont become easy until you step out and do something.  WHY ARE WE HESITANT about Worshiping The CREATOR, the ALPHA & OMEGA, KING of KINGS and The LORD of LORD???????

People get more excited about the temporal things of this life than we do about the LORD!!!!!!   DO YOU Realize what the World would be like if we GOT More Excited about the THINGS OF GOD....

I have had many people tell me that they were going to get serous about their relationship with God when They get Older...  In fact I had a Longtime Friend that I brought to Church When I was in the 7th grade and he was in the 6th....  That night he gave his life to the Lord.  I was so excited because I could see God using him to speak into the lives other the students in my school.  But this kid later turned away from the Lord... When I went to High school we lost touch till I a Sophomore and he was a Freshman.  At that time I lead a weekly prayer group at the Flag Pole every Monday Morning to start the week.  I would talk to this kid and he would laugh me off and tell me in front of his friends that He wasnt into that God stuff any more.. Maybe when he gets older... But in Private he would ask me questions and apologize for treating me like that.  Later on This Kid Got Kicked out of School for dealing drugs.  And I never talked to this guy again....  When I was about 22 yrs old I found out that this kid died the previous year before.  I was Devastated....  In Utter dismay...  Do you know this kid died of ROCKY MOUNTAIN FEVER...  This is caused by a tick bite... What are the Odds......  My Friend never got the chance to live for God...  He never got the Chance to get older...  What he missed out on....  It is so sad.   That Is why we need to Not care about anything.. But Worshiping God.  Worship Him in the way that make you feel uncomfortable...  Get out of the Familiar...  Step out and get to Know God on a Deeper Level...  I Honestly believe that if we do this our Lives, our Family, Our Work, our Relationship with God would change the World.  So Take time to worship him... Let Him know you Love him... Ask Him to draw you into His Presence.  And  you know what He will... and you WILL NOT Regret it.......


Life Is wonderful

6/05/2006 Estreitta 0 Comments

In this wonderful life, I wonder if it is truly full
A Life full of possibilities...
and Love
Ah Love...
The Thing we all truly desire
Does love come from a human or God alone
Alone God is Love
Humans are nothing with out God
So many possibilites in this life
If we just would do without strife
Stop hurting
Begin each day realizing
Life is truly full of wonder
(c) 2006 - I. Estreitta Martin de Kluetz

Currently listening :

Prodigal Martha
By Kate Miner
Release date: 14 June, 2005


PRAISE REPORT ON BILLY and Shop for Father's Day and Help NAMI Too

6/04/2006 Estreitta 0 Comments

Greetings My Friends & Prayer Partners!

I wanted to thank you all for keeping my brother in your prayers. He is coming home on Wednesday!!!! I appreciate everyone taking time to pray and believe for Billys healing. He is doing so much better and He has such a positive outlook on life right now! I attribute this to our commitment to praying for Billy!!! I would appreciate your continued prayers in wisdom and direction on the programs/ministries we need get Billy involved in for his total restoration!!! Also prayer for Billy to stay on track with his instructions upon leaving the hospital!!

BTW, there is this great organization that helps families and persons affected by mental illness. NAMI is the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill. So when you are thinking of purchasing a gift for Fathers Day use this link. Amazon will be giving donations to NAMI for everyone using this link to purchase items from.

Erik and I really appreciate all our friends. Can you believe it we have been married for 5 YEARS!!!!!!! It feels like we just Got married the other day! I so appreciate my wonderful Hubby!!!

Well yalll Take care And Let me know how you are doing!!!!

Persisting with Exception!


Prayer Request For Billy (Original Message Sent out on Jan 9, 2005)

Hello Friends:

I am writing to ask you all to be in agreement with us for Billy, my brother who is 29 years old, healing. He is currently in mental hospital in Wichita Falls, TX. He has been there since early November 2005. This is the second time he has been hospitalized. And I want it to be the LAST!!! My brother has been dealing with a mental illness for almost 9 years. He has been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and bipolar/manic depression. In fact, it was around August of 1997 when my family began to recognize that my brother was showing signs of his mental illness. I dont want another year to go by with this illness distorting Billys thoughts. Throughout the past 9 years, I have been angry at the situation and determined to see my brother completely restored. The word restoration means: bring back to its original state to be used for its intended purpose. I know that the Lord wants to restore my brother!

My brother Billy has an awesome calling of God on his life. The past 9 years have been terribly draining on my family emotionally & physically. 9 years have been stolen from him and our family. His dreams have been put on hold. As his mind has been in constant torment. Although, our faith has continued to grow and we have been stretched and strengthened in the midst of it all. Billy has always sought the Lord and has always wanted to serve Him. God is so faithful.

If you could commit to pray for Billy at 12:07 PM everyday during the workweek, (Billys birthday is December 7th and I thought it would be easier to remember plus it is usually when most of us will be eating lunch). I am confident that we will start to see his healing begin and total restoration of his mind. I would really appreciate your prayers. Please feel free to invite other Prayer Warriors to join us in the fight to bring my brother back to who God intended him to be!

Our Prayer for Billys Healing:

Oh Lord God, we come together in agreement for total Restoration of Billys mind. Father, we thank you for freeing Billy from any fear or condemnation. We thank you Lord Jesus that you have the power to set Billys free from the mental illnesses that have oppressed his mind. Lord God, your word says that when we pray for the sick they will recover, and by the stripes of Jesus, Billy has been healed. As we come together in agreement for Billys healing we pray that you comfort him and bring him peace. We believe that You O Lord are helping Billy distinguish between Your Truth and the enemys lies. Thank you Father God for we place Billy in your hands. We praise you Lord for what you are doing every area of Billys life. We will continue to trust in you by standing on Your Word and expecting to see Billy healed. For your is the Kingdom and the power and the Glory forever and ever in Jesus Precious Name We pray! Amen

Thank you for your prayers. I will report on Billys progress!

Persisting without exception,


From: NAMI []
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2006 11:06 AM
Subject: Shop for Father's Day and Help NAMI Too

Father's Day is just a little less than three weeks away, so we wanted to take this opportunity to remind you that by doing your shopping through you can help NAMI improve the lives of people living with serious mental illnesses.

Here's how it works:

  • For everything you purchase, from books, CDs, DVDs, jewelry, electronics, apparel -- basically, anything sells -- NAMI will automatically receive a percentage of the total sale (6 percent, on average).

  • You'll get the convenience of shopping online with one of the Web's biggest retailers, and at the same time will be helping NAMI help others, all at absolutely no extra cost to you -- just remember to use one of these special links!

  • You can also visit the NAMI Storeat any time (all year long) to make purchases through that also benefit NAMI. makes holiday shopping easy with free gift wrapping. Save more time and money and have your gift sent directly to your loved one.

So enter and start shopping!