Where two or more are gathered...

8/28/2013 Estreitta 0 Comments

I assure you that whatever you fasten on earth will be fastened in heaven. And whatever you loosen on earth will be loosened in heaven. Again I assure you that if two of you agree on earth about anything you ask, then my Father who is in heaven will do it for you. For where two or three are gathered in my name, I’m there with them. Matthew 18:18-20
I have so many memories that branded me about the power of prayer when God's people gather... 

I remember when I was little and someone was sick in our church or someone in a church members family... calls would go out to the prayer chains and the entire church body would pray for the family and in many cases would even hold prayer meetings in their homes to intercede for the God to intervene in the circumstances. 

Also, whenever a family in our congregation would move into a new home all the church members would go to the home and pray a blessing over the family and the home.  We would anoint the doors and the walls and each room.  We would Ask that the Lord's presence would dwell in the lives and the home of the family we were praying for. 

As a teenager God branded me with the burden to pray for my school, my nation and the ending of abortion.When my mom would send me to bed at 10pm I couldn't sleep  (i was a night owl even then) so one day I decided to write our my prayer list and put it on my ceiling and then every night I would pray for everything thing and anything on that list then anything else the Lord put on my heart. What i didnt know at the time was that God had called me to be one of the night watchmen.  God and I would talk all night and I would intercede for my unsave friends, my school, my family, my future husband... I probably would be up till 1 or 2 am till i prayed myself to sleep. ;)

In high school every Monday i'd wake up early in morning to go and pray for my school at the flagpole. Sometimes with a few of my friends join me. When See Ya At the Pole happened, everybody and their mom sisters would come then we'd have 200 students praying, but then only have large groups of students for a week or two afterwards but then it would dwindle back down to the few friends or just me, the flagpole & God.

In 1993, I moved to Minnesota to attend Northwestern College (Now University of Northwestern). I had this deep burden to pray for our school and the students. I asked friends to come together every night at midnight to pray for everything and anything. We had some amazing times of prayer and we saw God move in so many powerful ways and He answered so many of our prayer request. Some nights there'd be 5-6 people then others there would be 150 students gathered just to pray and seek the face of God.

During and after I graduated from College I would have gatherings at my house to hang out and eat good food, you know build community... I'd invite all my friends from school and church sometimes we would have close to 100 people there.  It never failed that when this group of us got together, God would show up and we would break out in singing and prayer.  We'd pray for our families, each other, our city and our nation.  I cannot even describe the encounters we had with the Lord but just writing about it right now is stirring me up!

After Erik and I got married in 2001, we'd invite friends over for nights prayer, many said they'd come but maybe two people would show up, we tried to do it once a month, then once every other month, then once a quarter, but then i guess life got in the way and the zeal we had to plan it and it just fizzled out....

in 2006 I reconnected with some colleges friend on myspace one lived in California another in Minnesota. At some point we decided that we would do a conference call once a week and pray for one another and anything that was on our heart.  We had just moved into our house and began looking for a new church at the time so it was good to connect with other believers even at a distance. But then as time when one and schedule conflicts, we stopped doing our conference call....

Somewhere along the way I forgot or stopped giving priority to gather and pray on a regular and continual basis. Something happened that I lost the passion to pray. But the Lord is renewing the passion in me now...

I was talking my close friend, Xaundelle, on Sunday, who is moving into a new place next month.  She was telling me how she would normally have her father come bless her new home but her family moved to another part of the country.  She got a little teary-eyed and said, "This will be the first time my dad won't be able to pray and bless my home!"  I immediately told her that the day we move her into her new place we will make a point to pray a prayer of blessing over her new home. "I know it wont be the same as your dad but those that love her will be there to bless it" Then we even talked about Skyping him in so he could do it with us! (Ain't Technology grand)

Then I have another close friend, Rhonda, who has had many challenges in her life in the last year.  Her mother Pam passed away unexpectedly (I was with her when it happened) and lost an uncle Stan who she was very close to a few months before that. Recently her eldest son, Justice, was rushed to the hospital with a major blood clot in his leg, Praise the Lord he is on the mend but continue to pray for good reports from the Doctor.  Then their family vehicle transmission went out, then the clothes dryer.  Now she is dealing with some undetermined health issues in her own body and waiting on test results.  

My heart grieves for her and everything she has gone through. Ever since her son got out of the hospital, the Lord has been putting on my heart to hold an old school prayer meeting for her family. I told her yesterday that I want to schedule a time we can come together and pray for her, her family and draw a line in the sand and tell the enemy NOOOOOO MORE and rebuke the devourer!!! She agreed...

I believe more than ever it is so important that we need to begin making conscious efforts of coming together and praying for one another.  Are you With me!!! 

I'm concerned that over the years I have become so passive about my prayer life.  I do pray throughout the day.  I pray when people post requests on facebook or specifically ask me to pray.  But I feel like i've become so inwardly focused that I've have forgotten that Jesus CALLED us ALL to pray for and lay our hands on the sick, raise the dead, break off strongholds in peoples lives, and plead the Blood of Jesus, pray for God anointing to remove every burden... I am tired of the enemy thinking he has power and dominion in my family and friends health, finances and lives!  God has given us the AUTHORITY to Proclaim that JESUS has and is protecting those we pray for! 

As followers of Christ this is our ministry, to pray for one another and to gather and pray...

I often think about the early church and the Upper Room Experience on the day of Pentecost. They were all gathered praying and seeking God's Face  when the bible says "suddenly the Holy Spirit like a rushing wind came and filled the room" The Holy Spirit shook those people to their core. Their entire perspective on how they saw God changed and they were empowered to Go do what Jesus did when he was on the earth.  

Our search to find a new church, had become somewhat daunting then two Sundays ago we went to the Upper Room Dallas. I have to tell you, I have not experienced the presence of the Lord like that in almost 15 years. I am realizing how complacent I'd become. I stopped being radical and compromised my desire and passion for Jesus for mediocrity. Erik and I have always talked about the things we want to do with Jesus and we must have let life take over and we sacrificed it for something we never wanted and now we don't have much to show for the last 12 years. I never wanted to be a Just-Enough-Christian.  I always desired to be one of the Radical Burning Ones!   

Upper Room Dallas

Ever Since we went to the upper room, Its like I got reignited again. All these things that I used to be so passionate about I put on the back burner have all come to the forefront and I feel like I can see and hear so clearly again.
Those dreams and visions the Lord place in my that  I have long been standing and contending for I will see come to fruition. 

Lord Jesus I intercede for my family & friends that U bring supernatural breakthrough in every area they need U to intervene! #GodisAble 

Friends Gather and pray you will see God move in miraculous ways!!!


We need the Wonderful Working Power of the blood of Jesus #PRAYAMERICA

8/02/2013 Estreitta 0 Comments

Today my Nana called to check on things here at Casa de Kluetz.  We started talking about our hunt for a new church. She then started mentioning the revival meetings she would go to as a young teenager and into her adulthood.  She was talking about how when someone was sick in the church body everyone would come together and pray for heaven to come to earth and ask for a healing touch.  She said, "I couldn't tell you how many miracles I've seen God do, its sad that you don't see it in the church anymore. People don't even pray in tongues or plead the blood of Jesus any more!"  She then began to tell me about how the young people would be laid out on the floor praying, crying, being touched by the Lord.  After the Adults were done the parents would have to search for the kids because there were so many.  She said, "Church just isn't like it used to be..."

I totally agree, we have visited several churches over the past few months and there were only a few of them where you could see the hand of God moving on the lives of the people.  This church hunt hasn't been easy, there are only two that we really feel closely meets what we are looking for in a church, but we still have so many more to visit.  I wish this process wasn't taking so long.Even though I had a  about a specific church, we're visiting them this week, however, I am not totally sure that church has everything we are looking for either. God help us!!!

We want a church that isn't afraid to go after the power of God's presence.  There are so many people leaving the church because as my friend Mandy put it, "People Crave the reality of Jesus," and the reality is that many Churches are scared to present the reality of who Jesus is.  Yes Jesus said all who are weary and heavy laden come unto me and I will give you rest and in some translations it says peace...  Peace that comes in knowing that Jesus rescued us all from our sin.  We need to hear more in church about the basics of Christianity, such as repentance, holiness, sacrifice, how to witness to the lost, prayer, Gods's anointing, the Blood of Jesus, the Cross.  We need to move back to the simplicity of who God is and what his Word says not peoples (mis) interpretation of his Word.

I remember in the church growing up as young people our Youth Pastors Dave & Lea Bianchi would have these nights of prayer and worship at their house called Friday Night Fire. God moved, God Spoke so many powerful things during that time.  Nowadays many youth or young adults don't even know how to pray or how to share their faith or what being consecrated unto the Lord even means.  

Lord, I repent for the lackadaisical approach of the church.  Lord, let those who do claim they do the work of the ministry but do not pursue your presence be drawn unto you Lord.  Brand them with a passion to save the Lost, a heart for your people.  God help them to seek YOU Alone to  for guidance and direction of their ministry and not the latest trend in the church. Bring Unity back to the body of Christ!  Bring revival to America! Bring the manifestations of  your Wonder Working Power like we have never seen before.  Lord I also pray for those church leaders that are doing things that do not align with your precepts that you bring conviction and repentance. For those leaders in the church that are on assignment from the enemy, I pray you expose them and you bring greater discernment to the Body of Christ. Lord prepare your Bride for the things to come in this age, make us ready to be aware of the enemy's schemes and keep guard and keep watch.  Bring all believers in Jesus back to the true thing and focus.  Have your way Jesus!!!