I'm Not Happy...

2/01/2007 Estreitta 1 Comments

with the state of our country, the world, or the church...

we seriously need to pray...

- For our friends and family that don't know Jesus

- For Peace in the Middle East and the rest of the World

- For The Church to experience a revival and renewal

- For The Church to raise up GODLY Leaders

- For Believers to honor Christ in all they say and do

- For our Country's leaders


1 comment :

  1. MySpace Comments:

    si, si...

    Posted by Ranny on Friday, February 02, 2007 - 12:54 PM

    It's hard to look at or think about because it's so big.

    Posted by Ray-Chill on Sunday, February 04, 2007 - 7:06 PM
