God Bless America > Happy Birthday USA

7/04/2015 Estreitta 0 Comments

I speak blessings over my nation the United States of America. 

The country in which I was born, was raised and I have a deep burden for.  

Many are called to the nations but this is the nation I am called to. I will speak life & destiny & share the Love of God With all of those I meet.

 I am grateful that this country was a country that opened its arms to my & my husbands forefathers & foremothers that immigrated to the United States with little to no means to create their own American Dream.

God I ask that you pour out your sprit I on all that dwell her. Reveal your purpose and plan.

Raise up more innercessors that will pray blessings over our country, pray for our leaders and our President. Those that will pray for breakthru, revival & and healing to our land. 

Raise up more worshippers that will sing your praises and worship your majesty that will bring your presence to destroy the tactics of the enemy. Let the fragrance of your presence thru worship permeate the churches in America that those who call on your name will repent and unite as the body of Christ. Lord make it so that your anointing will flow in the live's of every true Christ follower an that we would lives that are holy and acceptable to you that will be a testimony to those that do not now you and that they will repent, turn from ungodliness and live a life wholly and acceptabl to you!

Raise up more prophets to prophesy this nations destiny. They will speak life & truth that will lead o the setting free of the captives,  bring healing and revival to thi this nation.

God I ask for forgiveness on behalf of my country. I repent for the wickedness and selfishness that permeates through our society.  I ask that you remove the cultural  blight that has swept across this nation. I ask that you would heal this country and its people Lord. Only you can do what needs to be done! In Jesus Name I pray!

God Bless America, 
Land that I love. 
Stand beside her, and guide her 
Thru the night with a light from above. 
From the mountains, to the prairies, 
To the oceans, white with foam 
God bless America, My home sweet home.