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5/13/2008 Estreitta 1 Comments

1. Age at next birthday

I am turning 33!  

 2. A place to which you'd like to travel

I long for the day i can go to Australia

3. Your favorite place (local)

 It is this great little spot that I found that you can buy lots designer clothes up to 80% off. practically all the clothes i wear is from this place! :)

4. Your favorite objects


I love my pillow as soon as i hit the bed i fall asleep


We got a new leather couch a few months ago i absolutely love it!  and it is so very comfy

We got a new sony Vaio computer a few months ago i absolutely love it.  it's kewl...sleek..and it's mine!

5. Your favorite food

Blue Bell Ice Cream is the BEST!!! Butter Pecan and Rocky Road is awesome...I wish they had a low carb line....

Spumoni is awesome if you haven't tried it you are missing out

Greek food is the best! I could live off it!

Sangrias are my favorite wine beverage

Nothing beats a refreshing glass of club soda with a lime

6. Your favorite animals


7. Your favorite color


8. City where you were born

(in Bristol, PA)

9. Town where you live

10. Name of a past pet


11. First name of a past love


Jesus Christ is my first Love!!

12. Your best friend's name


(Mandy and i have been friends since we were 10

13. Your nickname

my mom to this day calls me this... she said when I was little i always wanted to fix my hair like princess leah.

14. Your first name

in spanish it means rainbow

in english it's a flower


15. Your middle name


16. Your last name


(kluetz crest)

17. Bad habit of yours

Eating junk food

18. First job


19. Grandmothers' names


(my mom's mom - we called her Mama')

(My Dad's Mom)

20. Your college major


with emphasis in


1 comment :

  1. MySpace Comments:

    Thanks for doing this, sweet woman!! Was your past love (Jesus) referring to a past boyfriend or referring to Jesus Christ? :) Loves

    Posted by Ranny on Thursday, May 15, 2008 - 1:21 PM


    I meant to put "Jesus Christ is my First Love!"

    Posted by Twinkle Twinkle Estreitta on Thursday, May 15, 2008 - 7:02 PM

    1. I did not know you were corn in PA. Kudos on keeping this from me. (Just kidding)
    2. You put me to shame as to putting your first love down as Jesus. Kudos again. (Now I have to go home disappointed in myself. Way to go.) Okay, seriously, I wish I had written that.

    Posted by Ray-Chill on Tuesday, May 20, 2008 - 5:05 PM
