Moment of your Time

7/29/2007 Estreitta 1 Comments

I have some thing I really need to get off my mind and put out there in the open.Basically when it is all said and done and we are face to face with the Almighty God we will be held accountable for the things we have done in this life.  The Next four blogs i write will address four areas of accountability .  the first one is Time.

 I have been thinking even struggling with the issue specifically the concept of time and what i am doing or not with it.  i heard a message that addressed this last Wednesday and it hit home with me.
What am i doing with my time?  Am I doing something with  my time that only benefits me or does it advance the kingdom of God?
I am a point in my life where feel like i am just living from day to day.  and i hate it! 

I Look back over the past 6 years, while I married the Man of My dreams and would never want to change that, i feel that i have not accomplished anything with that time, that has impacted the world or brought People to know him.  
I do talk to people about my faith all the time, but it has been like 3 1/2 years since i lead someone to Christ.  I have been so focused on my life, and developing my walk with the Lord more rather than ministering the Gospel to those i come in contact with .

I turned 32 in June and i feel like there is so much that I want to do with my life but i haven't found the time. and I am aware that God will hold me accountable for my time here on earth and what I did with it. 

I dreamed during college about the things i would be doing with my life, like going on Missions trips, ministering to urban youth and children, and writing and singing worship music full time.  The last Missions trip I went on was 10 years ago and i have just been so busy living my life that i haven't given my self the opportunity to do the things i want to help advance the kingdom of God.

for two years i have been trying to get this ministry based website up, i created a logo and a really rough website but i  haven't even touched it in like 3 months...  I alsowanted to start a podcast and Erik even bought me the equipment i need for Christmas and you know it is still in the box...

I totally suck with follow through and making best used of my time.  i feel like i am in the "get-up go-to-work come-home go-to-bed" mode and living from paycheck to paycheck.

I don't want to be that person that looks back at their life and says "what did i do with my life, i have nothing to show for it."
I want to be all that God wants me to be...
I want to fullfill His Plan His Path His Purpose not my own
Lord forgive me for not  making the best use of my time.  Give me strength and endurance and energy to do the things you have called me to!

1 comment :

  1. MySpace Comments:

    looks like an interesting book you're reading, estrietta!! nice timing on that read, huh? i just want to say that i can COMPLETELY completely relate with these questions/concerns AND about the whole concept of time and our accountability with it. AY! PLEASE know that you are loved in the busyness of life too, and that you BLESS people with God's love daily...even when you're not leading someone to Christ. Lord knows you've touched me many times with Christ's heart, love, and mind...especially in times when i desperately needed it. you may not have all the hard facts about how your time has affected others...but, you are needed here and you DO make a difference daily. Sometimes, even just remembering that you're out there on my same team working earnestly for the good and for the love of God to be passed on (...and not getting high everyday and bragging about your worth in other people's lives...) helps me to endure a day again. so thank you!! love you! we should chat again soon.

    Posted by Ranny on Monday, July 30, 2007 - 11:45 AM

    Estreitta, I think we are in the same boat right now. Where is the time going? Are we being good stewards of our time? Have I accomplished ANYTHING God has set out for me to do?

    Posted by M♥NDY on Monday, July 30, 2007 - 10:05 PM
