See how God Rewards those who dillegently Seek Him...

8/24/2006 Estreitta 0 Comments

Ok I need to preface this by saying that this is NOT a hoax but indeed true and verified by several people...

i do not know these people personally but they were Youth pastors for a church in the Twin Cities - Crystal Evangelical Free Church - where several of my college friends attended.

Here are the facts:

Dick and Brenda Deitrich were visiting Poland recently on vacation and Dick decided to research Brenda's family tree as a cool surprise for her.

A short time later, he finds himself talking to government officials who disclose that Brenda is the lost heir to the Prussian throne and the rightful owner of no fewer than three palaces.

The mayor--or whoever they were talking to--said that if they had shown up a few weeks earlier, she would've had four palaces. The government had been selling them off, presumably because they couldn't find Brenda.

Apparently, one of the castles is being converted into a hotel and Dick and Brenda met with the developer and he said something to the effect of they only need the first two floors and D&B can decdide what to do with the other 2 floors. For perspective on how big this castle is, the hotel will have a full service spa, restaurant, blah blah with over 150 rooms. And, and they only get 2 floors for personal use. Think it will be big enough? The developer told them, just tell us what you want us to do with the two floors and we will do it.

Once Source, Joel Hanson (of PFR), mentioned the same thing briefly on a comment he left at Bookhouse's Myspace.

Another source, said on Brainsalt myspace blog, "They are now millionaires! Can you believe it? Dick and Brenda, millionaires."


It is truly amazing to see the hand of God on this situation. I am blessed by this testimony and Everyone that I have told has too. One person cried and said, "that story gives me hope to press on through my current situation and trus that God will take care of everything."

so Pass it on People...It will probably bless someone you know also!

Persisting with out Exception!