Life Lesson #7: Just Let Stuff Go... Pt. 1

12/01/2011 Estreitta 2 Comments

Sorry for being so quiet in the blogosphere... life, computer issues, traveling, obligations all crept in at some point which has prevented me from posting regularly. I hope I haven't lost any readers, but I plan on writing more often and plan to be more consistent!


LIFE LESSON #7: Just Let Stuff Go.... Pt. 1

At some point In my life I became a keeper. In fact, I come from a long line of keepers. My mom is a keeper, her mother, my Grandmother, was a keeper. I'm sure it didn't start there....

When I say keeper I mean, I remember when staying with my Grandmother one summer when I was about 15, she had 23 umbrellas in her closet. I remember counting them cause I was so amazed, cause I had never seen anyone own that many umbrellas!

Maybe I'm in denial but I don't think we compare to those Realtity TV Hoarders at all. But absolutely Yes, I know we've kept things we probably shouldn't. For instance, I have SOOOOO many t-shirts from youth camps, choir, charity events, bands, etc. But the deal is that I rarely wear the t-shirts, mostly cause I have a short torso and think it makes me look frumpy. LOL... I think I'm gonna get rid of most of them and just take a picture of the ones i want to remember, that's better than keeping them right? :)

So, after 36 years why the sudden revelation of this.... Well at the OneThing 2010 and 2011 New Year Encounter Services at my church, Shady Grove Church, I felt the Lord told me that I need to get prepared and get rid of my stuff because He's gonna call Erik and I into something and we will have to be ready to leave then and there... Eleven months later, I am finally being obedient and having a Yard Sale this weekend.

Can you believe it that we still had things that have been packed since we moved to Texas from Minnesota in 2004? We've accumulated so much stuff over our 10 years of marriage - 90% we don't even need or use. I think when the Lord asked me to "unburden my load" so to speak, it took me a few months to finally come to terms with it. Then a few months mentally preparing for it and speaking it into existing and now I am so willing a ready. When we went to Berlin this summer, I think the reality of going to the mission field became more of a reality to Erik and I. It was a firm but nice kick in the pants, so since getting back in August we just started going through our closets, the unpacked boxes and our kitchen cabinets and started getting rid of everything we haven't used in a while. I put close to 25 pairs of shoes in the sale and literally a ton of Clothes.

It's rather freeing to just say get rid of this, get rid of that... and not feel like you are loosing a memory. Some things I started to second guess then my dear friend Rhonda Woods, who helped me organize all my junk (she has also graciously agreed to help with the yard sale on Friday) would give me this look then i would say, "ok It's got to go!" During this whole 3 hour process, she was the most wonderful friend and truly went above and beyond the call of duty, but i knew I couldn't do it all on my own!!!

I think that is the hardest thing about letting stuff go, is that we tie a memory with an item. Then we hold on to something so tightly because we have such "fond" memories of it, when the thing has no value to it whatsoever. It's just sitting there collecting dust.

So we Got the stuff organized and tagged, Got the Permit, Posted on Craigslist, and tweeted and Facebooked about it! So No Turning back, come Friday we be having our yard sale!

We have also decided that NO Matter what... On Saturday It is going to the Salvation Army (I guess they Pick up for Free)... so it will not come back into the house again :)

While looking though some old notes and papers I had I came across this little card and I thought it was God's gentle nudge telling me that getting all this stuff out is in his plan!

Side Note: Part of my organizational plan is to have a digital copy of journals, poems, songs and stuff I had written back in the day. I will be posting most of them, but back dating them from when I wrote them. I am not sure if they will come up or not as new blogs, but just in case you want to read some of this stuff you can go back and look as far back as the 90's for some of it over the coming weeks :)


Crossing the Atlantic Ocean In Two Weeks

7/09/2011 Estreitta 0 Comments

As of today we're two weeks away from our trip! Erik & I are so excited about serving in Germany & Budapest!!!! We know and believe we will come back from this trip totally changed and transformed. We appreciate your continued prayers as we prepare last minute details in the final weeks of our trip!

Prayer Requests:
  • Please continue to pray for me, as you know am serving as the administrator for the team which I have loved, but now its crunch time so all the last minute details and the loose ends that need to be finalized. We all know tracking people down for last minute info is never fun ;) 
  • Please continue to pray for our protection, finances and favor as we prepare travel. In the last few weeks, we've had several minor challenges with cars, air conditioners and even some bumps and scrapes, but God has given us wisdom and strength to get through it. While several of those challenges we dealt with were unexpected so grateful for the awesome opportunities that the Lord has for us! 
  • Pray for our team, we have 32 people that we will be traveling included in the mix are 6 families and 16 college-aged young adults. We've been working tirelessly on the group dramas and preparing as a team. Its been absolutely amazing working with this team the unity and how every one flow so well with each other is phenomenal. In the Sunday Morning Service of June 17th we will be sharing one of them to the church community. So please pray everyone gets their parts and places down. 
  • Pray for the Ministries we are going to serve: European Initiative and Ninth Hour... These Ministries live missions every day and we are so grateful for the opportunity to serve them and be a blessing to them while we are there. 
  • Pray for us while we travel, I have attached the itinerary below with the names of the people on our team. Pray for safe travels and for no complicated issues to come up. 
We appreciate your standing with us and supporting us in prayer!

May the Lord continue to richly bless you and your family in every aspect of your lives! When we get back we will let you know about everything we experienced while in Europe!

Erik & Estreitta Kluetz
7244 Normandy Road
Fort Worth, TX 76112
(682) 587-2399


Exciting News From Erik & Estreitta

6/16/2011 Estreitta 2 Comments

Dear Friends & Family:

We hope all is going well with you and your family!  Can you believe that on May 27th, Erik and I celebrated our 10 year Wedding Anniversary? My how the time has flown.  We have really enjoyed the last 10 years of our lives together and look forward to the many years to come. We did take a quick road trip to San Antonio and Fredricksburg, TX.  We had a nice relaxing time but it was really hot. I guess what else should we have expected in Texas! :)

Erik and I wanted to share some exciting news with you about what we are doing in July. To mark this momentous occasion, we felt the Lord leading us to  go on our first mission's trip together. The opportunity to go to Berlin, Germany and Budapest, Hungary with our Church from July 23 - August 2 presented itself and we joined the team! Can you think of a better way to celebrate our 10-year anniversary? 

While I have been on several missions trips, my last trip was in 1997 when I traveled to Honduras with my home church, this will be Erik's first missions trip. Our church, Shady Grove Church, is sending a team of 31 people to join up with a wonderful mission's organization called European Initiative in Berlin, Germany. They have been based in Berlin for the past 4 years building relationships, engaging the Berlin community.

In much contrast to the United States, less than 1% of Germans say they have a relationship with God. Infact, majority claim to be athiest.  So as you can see the opportunity to share the Love of Christ is great!

Berlin, Germany

While in Europe, we are also going to be taking a short trip to Budapest, Hungary (July 26 - July 29) to assist Ninth Hour with a European Youth Conference where 1200 young people from all over Europe are coming to be trained on how to share and evangelize the gospel in their own communities.  Erik and I will be part of the team that assists during the conference and will lead ministry training teams as we do Spirit Led street evangelism.  This is a recent development that the Lord presented our team and we are really looking forward to impacting the nations through this conference.

When we return to Berlin, Erik and I also, plan on taking a day trip to Klütz, Germany to check out the city named after Erik's family.  There are only like 20 Kluetz's in the US, so we hope to connect the dots on where Erik's family might have originated. We are excited to get to go and possibly meet up with some long lost relatives.

Suffice to say, this trip will definitely be an adventure of lifetime and know we grow in unimaginable ways.

Here are a few immediate Prayer Requests:

  •      Please pray for me, I am serving as the administrator for the team which is an amazing honor but can be a bit overwhelming at times and is a huge responsibility.
  •      Please pray for our finances and favor as we prepare travel.  It seems as with most people on our team, whenever you step out in faith and decide to go on a mission's trip vehicles start to breakdown or unexpected expenses come up that make it difficult to save money.
  •      Pray for our team, we have 32 people that we will be traveling included in the mix are 6 families and 16 college-aged young adults.
  •      Pray for the Ministries we are going to serve European Initiative and Ninth Hour.  It takes a great deal of planning and coordinating a team visiting, especially a team of 32 people.
  •       Pray for us while we travel, I have attached the itinerary below with the names of the people on our team.

We appreciate your standing with us and supporting us in prayer!  

We've had a few that have asked if they can help us financially, if you'd like to make a tax-deductible donation via credit card or check

To give via credit card you can do so online at our churches online giving module.  

PLEASE NOTE: Select Missions in type of gift and in the notes section put Erik & Estreitta Kluetz - Berlin Missions Trip, so the funds can be directed to our trip

Otherwise if you'd want to send a check, please make it payable to Shady Grove Church and in the memo line write Erik & Estreitta Kluetz - Berlin Missions Trip. Checks can be mailed to:

Attn: Finance Department
Shady Grove Church
2404 N. Carrier Parkway
Grand Prairie, TX 75050

May the Lord continue to richly bless you and your family in every aspect of your lives!  When we get back we will let you know about everything we experienced while in Europe!


Erik & Estreitta Kluetz
7244 Normandy Road
Fort Worth, TX 76112



Life Lesson #6: Feed Your Faith Starve Your Doubts

1/24/2011 Estreitta 1 Comments

FAITHcerealLife Lesson #6: Feed Your Faith Starve Your Doubts

This lesson I have had to remind myself of lately.   Many of my friends will know that I have been dealing with difficulties in getting pregnant.

For the last 8 years, I have had many health diagnoses that have made getting pregnant a little difficult. Here’s a quick rundown: 

  • In 2003, I started talking to my doctor about working on getting pregnant, she prescribed clomid, a fertility drug. 
  • Then after a few months of trying that, I started having gallbladder attacks due to gallstones and had to have my gallbladder removed. Then I needed to wait, so my body could recover. 
  • Then we moved to Texas in the summer of 2004 to be closer to my dad because he was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. 
  • Then I tried some alternative health treatments, and nothing worked. 
  • Then in August of 2007, I was diagnosed with Stage 0 Ductal Carcinoma In Situ breast cancer.  After 2 lumpectomies (November of 2007) and 8 weeks of radiation (April 2008), my Doctor said I needed to wait at least 3 years before attempting to get pregnant to allow my body to heal. 
  • Then in 2009 when the 3 years were up, I had some uterine hemorrhaging, and had to have a surgical procedure to correct the problem.
  • Then in February of 2010, I started seeing a Fertillity Endocrinologist Dr. and the battery of test began, everything you could imagine to try to see why i wasn’t ovulating or getting pregnant.
  • Then in April of 2010 I was Diagnosed with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes. and Started seeing an Endocrinologist to get the diabetes under control.
  • Then after about 6 months of dieting and trying really hard to get it under control everything was looking good for me to start the fertility treatments.
  • Then in September my Endocrinologist got test results back and my calcium levels were really high and my Vitamin D levels were severely low, and my A1C level jumped from 5.6 back to 7 which is not good and she said to put things on hold. Then she took personal leave.
  • Then Jan 6, 2011 she came back and I had an appointment with her, and because of the high-levels of calcium she thought I might have Primary Hyperparathyroidism, and did another round of tests, and the only thing to remedy it is surgery 

I know that was a lot info, but that has been my life for the last 8 years.  Last week, I came the realization that I had allowed all the diagnoses to feed my doubt and starve my faith instead. 

Let’s be real, it is so hard to hear one thing after another and keep the faith in the midst of trials and tribulations!


I quit “being sure of what I had hoped for” in God to do what He said he would do in me. I allowed my circumstances to keep me in a rut and get me down and depressed.  I stopped dwelling on His Promises and fixed my eyes on the have-nots and the why-nots.

In Romans it says:
So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
(Romans 10:17, New King James Version)
Whatever we hear, we begin to believe.  If we are listening to God’s word our Faith will be built up and we believe beyond a shadow of even an inkling of doubt that God will do what He says He’s going to do.  You have to set your eyes on the good things. 

When I was in college, the pastor of the church I was attending would say “You have to feed your faith and starve your doubts.”  I had my roommate Theresa write that statement with her nice penmanship and I put it on my mirror so I could read it everyday. It helped me through a time in my life when I was learning to hear God’s voice and seeking clarity in my life.


Two Wednesdays ago, I was feeling really low and dwelling on the recent diagnosis i had received from my Endocrinologist.  I knew I just had to go to church that night and go to The Well (its our midweek service at out church for adults).  So after my Zumba class I drove to church, and spent some time in the Youth Service for their worship (Erik was actually playing that night) then headed over to the Well.  From the moment I walked in I new it was where I needed to be.  Every word that Ps. Niles Holsinger was preaching spoke directly with everything I was dealing with.  Then he said, “There are some of you in here that have lost hope and faith in Gods Promises and even quit praying for things, be cause the situation seems so impossible, But I tell you this is a year of Fulfillment! God is going to bring those things to Pass!”

Yup that was me… I got so discouraged that i had even stopped praying about my personal health issues, and I even stopped praying for my brother to finally get healed from this 12-yr battle of bipolar.  I know my God is Bigger than all of this junk that the enemy has tried to throw at me.

I then went to have the Healing team pray for me… and I have to say that this cloud that had come over me back in September just dissipated and I was filled with so much peace. It all came back, i had the faith to believe for the impossible again!!!

About a week before I had sent an email to Ps. Laurinda (Sr. Pastor with her Husband Ps. Jon of my church) with some of the things i had been dealing with.  She then asked to meet with me to lunch. It was great to connect with her and she gave me so many nuggets of wisdom.  I left so encouraged that when I tweeted this:

Clairity through wise counsel is the next best thing to getting it directly from the Lord! #ilovemypastors

Practical ways to Feed your Faith in midst of a trial:

  • Meditate on a Scripture verse or a biblical account of someone who went through a similar difficulty.  If you start with the whole chapter Hebrews 11, it’s known as the “Hall of Faith” there you will find many people who struggled and always God redeemed his promises every single time.
  • Make time to devote yourself in worship and prayer to seek the face of God and soak in his presence.
  • Talk to someone (your spouse, a good friend, your parents, a pastor or leader) who you can be completely real with and they can and will build you up, pray for you and walk with you during your process
  • Read a good Faith-based book that’s good for the soul. Sometimes you need a really good laugh or read something so profound you are wrapped in thought for days.  I recommend any book by Barbara Johnson, All Cracked Up by Patsy Clairmont, On the Anvil by Max Lucado.
  • Listen or watch to your favorite preacher or Christian speaker.  I recommend watching Andy Andrews - The Seven Decisions (2005), Dr. Kevin Leman is a Great Speaker on issues dealing with marriage and family (and he is HILARIOUS), Jack Deere really teaches on a lot of practical topics and they offer most of his sermons on the church he pastors website, I also like hearing to John & Lisa Bevere, Joyce Meyers, Ps. Chuck Swindoll, Dr. Miles Monroe and you can find alot of resources on Focus on the Family’s and’s Websites.  I know I am always encouraged when I hear my Pastor, Jon Dunn, speak he is always so edifying and you can get the sermons on itunes or the church’s website.
  • Believe Gods Word! In the midst of anything you may go through weather its your finances, family, or future, You have to believe that GOD is who He says He is in His Word.  He is faithful to complete the work he has begun in you!

If we used the same amount of faith we've used for miracles to discover the presence of God, we'd have more miracles. For faith sees. And faith discovers. – Bill Johnson